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Human rights violations, sea rescue for refugees, famine, nature conservation, access to education and much more – these are topics and problems that accompany society into the 21st century. In order to improve and ideally resolve these conditions, non-governmental and non-profit organizations can help on a sustainable level!


Your own contribution with a 10% donation of your proceeds may not have the highest financial impact, but in total it can make a strong difference! Do not look away from the complex and multifaceted problems that affect humanity – all over the world – and make your contribution.


The following organisations are taking part:


Amnesty International Deutschland e.V.

AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V.

Ciocia Basia (collective)

Climate Analytics

Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.
KulturLeben Berlin – Schlüssel zur Kultur e.V.


Plan International Deutschland

Pro Asyl


Viva con Agua


For which purpose is your monetary support?

Amnesty International Deutschland e.V.

"Through our detailed research and determined campaigning, we help fight abuses of human rights worldwide. We bring torturers to justice. Change oppressive laws. And free people jailed just for voicing their opinion."

AIDS-Hilfe Frankfurt e.V.

"... oppose in many ways the instrumentalization of HIV and AIDS for the purpose of moral condemnation and discrimination against the main groups affected."


Ciocia Basia (collective)

"Ciocia Basia is an activist group in Berlin that can help organise safe abortion for people from countries where it is illegal. We support everyone who needs an abortion, including trans, non-binary and queer people."


Climate Analytics

"... bring cutting edge science and policy analysis to bear on one of the most pressing global problems of our time: human-induced climate change."


Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.

"Welthungerhilfe is fighting hunger around the world and is focusing its work around the Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger by 2030”

KulturLeben Berlin – Schlüssel zur Kultur e.V.
"KulturLeben Berlin has been receiving project funding from Aktion Mensch for the establishment of a coordination and network office for voluntary refugee work. Through our network office, we invite people with flight experience to visit cultural, recreational and children's events for free."


"The main objectives are the preservation of habitats and biodiversity, the promotion of sustainability in agriculture, forest management and water supply and distribution, as well as to enhance the significance of nature conservation in our society."

Plan International Deutschland

"Plan International is committed to a world in which all children can freely develop and flourish. We want to help shape a society in which all stakeholders protect children's rights. Learn more about our goals and visions."

Pro Asyl

"PRO ASYL advocates for the rights of refugees in Germany and in Europe. We help them to apply for asylum. We investigate human rights violations. And we campaign for an open society in which refugees receive protection."


"SEEBRÜCKE is an international movement, supported by several civil society alliances and people. We declare our solidarity with people who are forced to flee their homes."

Viva con Agua

"Viva con Agua pursues the vision that all people have access to clean drinking water, hygiene facilities and sanitation"


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